Snaps from Budapest
What are the chances of running into someone you worked with back in Sydney, in a hostel in Budapest?!! We're staying at the Aboriginal Hostel (we didn't pick it for the name!) in Pest, and on our first night here, in walks Fed, who Em worked with at PeopleSoft!

We went to Castle Hill, which is on the Buda side of Budapest yesterday. It's covered in amazing old buildings, churches, Buda Castle, and even has a labyrinth underneath the town! The labyrinth was originally naturally formed caves, but was extened to be used as a hiding place during the war, and also as a wine cellar for the castle.

Budapest is really beautiful, and has great restaurants, bars, clubs, shopping... It's probably a good thing that Em's credit card was eaten by an ATM machine a few weeks ago!!
We've put some shots from yesterday onto Flickr. Here are a couple for you now.

Gwil and Em, I Just enjoyed another browse though all your photos which are just wonderful... Buda and Pest look much improved since we were there in 1970... they needed to though! I must look out all our old photos. Love to you both, Pennie
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