Saturday, May 13, 2006

мы находимся в России

We are in Russia! (мы находимся в России)

We got the bus from Tallinn, and couldn't work out why it takes 9 hours to get to St Petersburg, when it is so close to Estonia. We now know it's because of the border control... it's crazy! It took us more than 2 hours to get across the border.

It was less than 12 hours into our stay in St Petersburg before we were in trouble with the police...!

It is illegal to take photos of train stations... who woulda thunk it? Nobody had told us, and there aren't any signs, and so when we stopped to take a photo of one of the amazingly long escalators inside the main city metro station, we were pulled aside by a cop who spoke no English, but was NOT looking happy with us. The only English word he said was "photos", and we assumed by his angry face that this meant "you are in trouble for taking photos"!! So we pretended to be puzzled for a little while to see if we could get away with keeping our happy snaps... but he wasn't giving in (and the police here are scary!). We ended up taking out our camera, and deleting the series of metro shots we'd taken in front of him. So you're just going to have to trust us when we say the escalators are huge!

We've spent our first full day in St Petersburg exploring the city. It's full of amazing churches, museums, gardens, palaces, and really beautiful people. We'll take some photos for you (if we're allowed!)


At 11:48 am, Blogger Pennie said...

We think it's illegal to take photos of train stations in London as well Gwil... Dad was stopped or questioned several times. Pity about having no photos of the Escalators though I was terrified of them in 1969, they are so long, so steep and so fast then I saw these peasant women jumping on with heaps of shopping so I pulled myself together and just did it! Do they still have Chandeliers in them? Or is that only Moscow?
Mothers Day and Meet Charlie Ripley Day here today for the Family... we are only 16 small for us eh??
Got your messages, love you both lots Mum and Pennie

At 11:58 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your story about the escalators. I haven't said much about it but I suspect I closed down Bank station in London when I filmed going down the escalaltors to get the tube to Tower Hill to get on the Docklands LIGHT RAIL.
There are video surveillance cameras everywhere in London because of the bombings. They announced the station is being closed, everyone evacuate, I hid the video camera in my bag and went outside very casually and WALKED to Tower Hill. I still don't know if it was me.
I suppose it would be useful for terrorists to have film of a station before bombing it to fine tune their training ....
Love Dad

At 12:00 pm, Blogger Pennie said...

I know what the heading says... We are in Russia! but there again that's what you said under isn't it... just checking in case I missed something.
Enjoy you two, Mum/Pennie


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