Hungary, England, France in a week...
What a crazy week we've had.
After Slovenia, we caught the train back to Hungary. We stayed in Lake Balaton, which is a resort area in Western Hungary. Our hotel was right on the lake.

We spent our last full day in Hungary in a small town called Heviz, which is famous for it's outdoor thermal lake. The water in the lake is 31 degrees, and is apparently slightly radioactive (!!!) which is meant to be really good for your joints. We swam in it for a while, but the smell of the sulphur got the better of us eventually!

After Hungary, we flew to London for our stop-off before France. We stayed with Gwil's brother and sister-in-law, Tom and Emma, and their gorgeous little girl Abi. We only had the chance to catch up with a couple of friends from home though (including an amazing night out with Bill and Oli seeing the new De La Guarda performance
Fuerzabruta at the Camden Roundhouse. If you ever get the chance to see this show, do it!)

Right now, we're sitting in a cafe, on Promenade des Anglais, drinking espresso, looking out over the beach at Nice. It's a bit cloudy, but very warm. Em's getting to practice her French a little, but everyone seems to speak English - so we're looking forward to getting to Castellane next week which is a much smaller town where we'll stay for a month, and Em will get to parle Français.... we're not sure if anyone will speak English there!

Em had another random run-in with an old friend in the airport at Toulon. Collecting our bags, we bumped into Sarita Kwok, who Em went to primary school with! She's over here performing at the Aix-en-Provence music festival.
More soon.
Gosh in Nice already, that was quick from our Skype the other evening. I can't wait till you get to Castellane... I wonder what it's like with leaves on the trees, no piles of snow along all the streets, no ice on the roads that make made this certain 'unused to ice on roads Aussie' do a 180 degree spin... it'd just beautiful I'm thinking, so please take lots of photos. love to you both, Pennie
What a small world it is to run into Sarita so far from home. Hasn't she done well!
Love to you both,
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