Bonjour from Castellane
We left Nice after a week (with a day trip to Monaco - the photos are on Flickr).

We're now in Castellane, our home for the next month. We are staying in the Grand Hotel du Levant, which is owned by Gwil's family friend, Marie-Therese. She is completely spoiling us - giving us a great hotel room, as well as feeding us chef-prepared meals every day that we eat with the hotel staff... which are always full of cream and cheese and taste delicious!!

The Hotel du Levant

Marie-Therese, Laura, Tibor with Em & Gwil
Castellane is a very small town. It has no traffic lights, one round-about, and everything closes each day between 1-3pm so that people can have lunch and a siesta. There are fantastic markets here twice a week - every Wednesday and Saturday morning - which bring amazing cheeses, breads and fruits to the town square (which in the afternoons doubles as a boules court for the older men of Castellane!)
The rest of the staff in the hotel here speak very little English, which makes for interesting meal times. Em thought that it would be good to practice her French... but they all speak so fast here that it's difficult to keep up in conversation! But we're getting on with them, and we both make them laugh with our attempts at French!
We were here for the France v Spain World Cup match (where France won - sorry Sal!), and the atmosphere was crazy! We're looking forward to Saturday night, when France plays in the quarter-finals. There are a few bars in town, but we're going to watch the match in the hotel with the staff, and then head to the town's only Discoteque!! Allez les bleus!