Flying home, sunrise over central Australia
We have now been back in Sydney for a week, and it has absolutely flown by.
While the weather hasn't quite been the summer sunshine that we were hoping for (today it's only 19 degrees!), we've had a great time relaxing at Turramurra, unpacking boxes of things we'd forgotten that we'd sent home along our trip, and playing with Gwil's two nephews - Jackson and Charlie (who was born while we were away).
Gwil even had the chance to dress up as Santa for Jackson's playgroup Christmas Party, and has now decided that he is leaving the landscaping industry to work as Santa for just the one month each year!
Em's returning to her old job at FBi on Monday, while Gwil's still on an island in Vietnam in his head!! One day he'll think about work again. Maybe.
We're looking forward to catching up with everyone in Sydney. We've set up our mobiles, with the same numbers that we had before we left. Hope to see you all soon!
Cant believe Nerys didnt put on her elf outfit to join in!!
Love Janet - Manchester
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