Nous aimons les vacances
We checked out Castellane's only nightclub (la discothèque) on the weekend. It's called 'Moulin' and is a short drive out of town.... meaning that either someone has to stay sober... or that you take the backroads coming home!

The music in the club was lots of Bob Sinclair and cheesy French house. But while the music may have been average, the atmosphere made up for it. But when drinking in Castellane, you have to remember that everyone knows everyone else - so you can never do something embarrassing anonymously! (not that we would, of course!)
Marie-Therese is still wonderful. She has lent us her car so that we can explore Provence. Yesterday we drove to see the lake at Verdon (Ste-Croix), and a small town called Moustiers.

We are fitting right into to the pace of small town Provence. Shops close every day for lunch, usually from midday until 3pm. Everyone says bonjour as they pass in the street. And once the shops re-open at 3pm, it's time for a pain au chocolat from the boulangerie across the road!

In the hotel, we've been trying to help out as much as possible. Gwil's done some gardening, and Em's done some translating, but there isn't a huge amount of work right now. Not that we're complaining...
You lucky ducks... what a wonderful life you are leading in Castellane, couldn't happen to a nicer couple aaahhhh... love to you both, Pennie who's living in gyprock dust at the moment :-)
This area looks superb, from the lavender fields, to the old folk taking in the afternoon boules, not to mention the quaint buildings and breathtaking scenery.....lucky you. How fortunate to be there to celebrate France's success in the world cup. Lots of love,
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